Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Sweet Gracie!

Wow! Already a year has passed. If you would have asked us 3 years ago if we would ever have a girl the answer would have been "NO"! We just never thought it was in the cards for us.  Even now we randomly look at each other and say, "Can you believe we have a girl?'

 Oh what joy you have brought to us sweet Gracie. You have every one of us wrapped with that sweet crinkled up nose smile and the sweet little random girly noises you make.  Your brothers think the world of you, and part of the joy this year has been watching them take care and love on you CONSTANTLY. So much so that sometimes you see them coming and start fussing, and other times you see them coming and get jump out of your skin giggly excited. It's a pretty neat thing to watch and we just sit back and feel like our heart is going to explode because it is filled with so much happiness.

God has surely blessed us with you. I know no one is perfect, but you come pretty close. From sleeping through the night at 3 days old, to being the smiliest, happiest baby with  the best personality. You are a cuddle bug and give the best slobbery kisses.  Your "uh oohhh's,  dot daaaaaaaawwwwwwg!, ya you, and oh wow!" makes us grin and laugh constantly. I could go on and on. 

Happy Birthday sweet girl, we love you so much! Thank you God for blessing us so much with her and allowing us to be her family!

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